Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Fun Ways to Teach Geography!

When I was in school learning about geography, it was pretty boring, Not a lot of teachers tried to make it overly fun or engaging for the students so below I listed some ways that when I am a teacher I would like to use in my classroom!
Adopt a Rock
This idea includes bringing a rock into class and having the students identify where it may have came from, how it was shaped and things like that. Then students can take turns taking the rock home and creating a scrapbook of the rocks adventures! 
Everyone knows bingo. I think it could be really fun and great way to review vocabulary by putting down terms on their bingo cards and reading out the definitions! The students will have to listen to the definition and read their terms and match the definition to their terms until someone gets bingo!
Creating Models
I really liked the idea of using the plasticine to create physical features. It can be used to create mountains, valleys, canyons or many other things. It is a more hands on way to learning these features that we see everyday!
Stop Disasters!
I really thought the online stop disasters games was really interesting. I think this was a very fun and captivating way to teach about the effects of natural disasters. I particularly liked how it teaches the students how they can help prevent the disasters and gives them facts to help them.It really is a great learning tool. 
Landscape in a box!
I thought this idea was really interesting and creative. The students can be assigned an area and can create a landscape in a burger box based on the area. This involves students doing a hands on project while doing research on their area. These would be great to display around the classroom!
Before and After pictures!
In this activity students are shown a picture of something and have to make prediction on what happened before the picture and what could have happened after the picture. Students will need to infer from the picture. This works on many different skills
Model your Place on a Paper Plate
This is similar to the burger box one but its more of building on a paper plate. Students can remodel the play ground outside and add more features to how they would like it to be. Or they can change their backyard around and add ponds or trees or anything they can think of 
Shanty Town Game
In this game students have to build a shack in order to protect their children from the rains. Students will be given materials to start to build with and then can "work" in order to get other materials at the teachers discretion. This "work" could be short informational activities. After about a half hour the rain will come and whoever's child remains the most dry wins!
Where is that game?
Before this game the teacher goes around the school and takes pictures at weird angles, close ups, or anything else the teachers can think of to challenge the students observational skills. The students will be given these pictures and have to identify where these pictures were taken. The group who gets the most right wins.
Atlas Race
I like the idea of the atlas race because it exposes the class to places they have never heard of before while teaching them atlas skills. They can also right a brief response on that place once it is found in order to gain more knowledge! 

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