Thursday, September 10, 2015

First Day of Class After Thoughts

After the first day of class I walked out of the classroom overwhelmed. How was I ever going to be able to keep up with all these new technological resources? I had never had a class where everything was online! At the time I was extremely nervous, but even now after a few class days have passed I still feel a sense of anxiety about this class. Although, I do feel more confident in my abilities to learn new things based on what we have done so far.
I have heard many things about this class. The first thing I heard was that this class was a lot of work. I know that I am going to have to stay on top of my work and not procrastinate. This can be tough at times for me because I play softball for some of the fall and can be extremely busy. I know that I will need to prioritize this class above most things. I also heard that this class will teach you a lot of different techniques that I can use in my future classroom. I am extremely excited about this! I want all of the resources I can get to help me be the best teacher I can be!
Let's see how this journey goes!

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